Pediatric Care

We treat our pediatric patients with care as if they were our own children. We want kids to learn early on that doctors have their best interests at heart. As with anything else that is constantly changing, babies need to be consistently monitored as they grow. The physical exams we conduct assess their vision, hearing, oral health, and growth and development on a normal basis. This allows our team to catch and treat any alarming developments early on.

Additional Pediatric Services We Provide


Our team of healthcare professionals will keep your children up to date with their immunization as they age. This is especially important to help minimize any setbacks in their growth and development.


Each child develops uniquely at different rates. Depending on various factors, some kids are prone to certain medical conditions. Our pediatric team uses age-appropriate screenings to check for the following.

Blood Lead Screening- Used to check at-risk children for elevated blood lead levels.

Autism Screening- We use the M-CHAT to detect Autism Spectrum Disorder in children 16 to 30 months old. Due to the screening tool being highly sensitive, children that receive a “high-risk” score will be referred to an autism specialist to receive a more thorough assessment.

Ages and Stages Developmental Screening- By using the ASQ-3, we can assess your child’s developmental progression in communication, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, problem-solving, and personal-social skills.